
The Anointing takes various references from religious iconography and repositions them to redefine the meaning of trust, betrayal, power and secrecy. Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene form part of anointing in two ways. The work depicts Mary of Bethany, (known as the ‘sinful woman’) with Mary Magdalene in a gruesome scene. Mary of Bethany is known for having washed Jesus’ feet with perfume and dried them with her hair. Jesus had noted the anointed feet had prepared him for his burial, which was a poignant premonition to the impended doom of his death. Mary Magdalene is known for bearing witness to the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Jesus. She was first to witness the empty tomb on her way to anoint his body. The empty tomb would be proof of his resurrection, and proof of hope. The women’s faces are celestial and pure, they are calm and angelic with halos. This is in stark contrast to their ease in the brutality of plucking and grasping.